Nobel Medicine Prize in 2024: Gene-Regulating MicroRNA Discovery


Victor Ambros and Gary Ruvkun are two American scientists who received the 2024 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for discovering microRNAs—a small molecule with great vitality for controlling gene expression. This discovery made in the early 1990s expanded the new field of study in regulating the genes in multicellular organisms such as humans. In fact, this secures it a shelf of one of the most significant discoveries of recent decades in molecular biology.

What are microRNAs?

MicroRNAs, or miRNAs for short, are small non-coding RNAs, commonly 22 nucleotides in length. They post-transcriptionally regulate genes in a manner that dictates which mRNAs are translated into proteins. They do this by binding to their complementary sequences within the mRNAs to limit mRNA translation into protein. In this way, microRNAs are able to regulate a broad span of genetic events.

This was gene regulation nirvana because, until their discovery, the general assumption had been that all the significant regulatory mechanisms controlling gene activity were proteins like transcription factors. This work by Ambros and Ruvkun uncovered a whole new mechanism, where such small RNA molecules could fine-tune the expression of genes without ever coming near DNA itself.

The Way to Discovery

Ambros and Ruvkun trace their journey to this discovery back to the 1980s, when they were working on postdoctoral appointments at MIT. They both focused on the development of the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, a roundworm that scientists have used in many biological studies. Both of them worked on genes that regulate developmental timing. Ambros worked on a mutant strain of the worm with specific defects at certain stages in its development, whereas Ruvkun worked on a gene that regulated developmental timing. Their efforts converged into the discovery of the microRNA molecule lin-4 that interacted with another gene, lin-14, to inhibit the former’s expression during certain developmental stages. To their surprise, it eventually turned out to be the first example of a microRNA controlling the expression of a gene.

As with let-7, another microRNA was isolated from Ruvkun’s laboratory in 2000, this time named miR-1, which was also conserved among species and in humans. This led to the understanding that the function of microRNA was not unique to the C. elegans but was shared by many types of organisms, thereby proving them crucial to biology in general.

The Wider Significance of MicroRNAs

Today, microRNAs have established themselves as a global regulator of gene expression. In the human genome alone, more than 1,000 different microRNAs are identified. Now known to be critical regulators in several biological processes, including development and cell differentiation and even the progression of diseases like cancer, they make them crucial players in maintaining normal cell function through control of gene networks.

Of course, microRNA research has also paved the way for novel directions in medicine. Though their clinical applications are very much at an early stage, there is growing hope that microRNAs could be used to develop new therapies for a good many diseases having dysregulation of gene expression as a cause: cancer, epilepsy, and certain genetic disorders, to name but a few. Still, the challenge facing researchers is significant: it is how to deliver these microRNA-based therapies into human cells.

More Than an Anniversary of RNA Research

And the Nobel Prize conferred in 2024 upon Ambros and Ruvkun also looks ahead toward the greater importance of RNA research in life sciences in general. Their work continues the general line of Nobel-recognized efforts to understand RNA molecules, including the awarding of the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 2006 to Andrew Fire and Craig Mello for their discovery of RNA interference, RNAi, a type of post-transcriptional gene regulation similar in mechanism to microRNA, and which also was studied using C. elegans. What was once considered to be a niche, interesting area of study has revealed itself to actually be a goldmine of profound biological insights and potential therapeutic breakthroughs: RNA biology.

Future Prospects and Challenges

Although there is really a revolution in the understanding of how gene regulation is being taken care of by microRNA studies, much remains to be explored. The most crucial area that has yet to be developed is the effective use of microRNA in therapies. The delivery of these molecules to cells and tissues of choice, and their subsequent action is challenging. The regulatory networks are also inherently complex due to the system, where hundreds of genes can be affected by a single microRNA, and it becomes challenging to predict and control outcomes in the therapeutic area.

However, the discovery of microRNAs completely opened up new dimensions in the regulation of biological phenomena and laid down foundations for future developments in personalized medicine, diagnostics, and gene therapies. The Nobel Prize honoring this work once again underlines the significance of basic scientific research by curiosity and exploration.


Indeed, their discovery of the microRNAs led a major overhaul in the way scientists view regulation of gene expression; that impacts many new avenues for medical and scientific research. Their work testifies to the vast impact molecular biology has brought upon humanity’s health and disease. Research into microRNA-based therapies continues to unfold, and with this discovery, science looks forward to more exploration about this tiny but mighty regulator of life’s most essential processes.