Quito: The Hidden Gem of South America You Need to Visit Next


Quito, Ecuador, is much more than an entry point to the Galápagos. In fact, this UNESCO World Heritage city has an unbelievable combination of breathtaking views, good local food, and much more because of its history, beautiful colonial architecture, and lively culture.

Ecuador’s Quito may lie swathed in the Andes, but it is becoming ever more tempting to visitors on account of the breathtaking views and the lack of seasonal temperature fluctuations that characterize springtime.

The place itself is worth visiting on any account, even if most Western tourists will only know it as a stopping off point to the Galápagos Islands.

Equally preserved colonial architecture will bring a step back to Quito, declared a World Heritage site in 1978.

One can get the feel of this history by walking along cobblestone streets of La Ronda or through visiting the famous Companía de Jesús cathedral having an amazing golden interior.

In Quito, American tourists get a handful of useful amenities. To start with, the place uses the U.S. dollar as its official currency, so that is not a problem. Since the city is walkable and its public transportation system is more efficient, exploration would not be a burden.

Beyond the architecture, foodies may have a genuine taste of Ecuador in Quito’s markets, full of fresh herbs and spices and traditional Andean fare such as llapingachos.

Other attractions of the city include the booming flower industry that adorns restaurants, hotels, and shops with native flowers.

Quito is rich in the perfect interrelation of culture and natural beauty, guaranteed to give you a reason to return, whether you are interested in its history, its food, or just looking for a new adventure.