Jorge Ramos to Leave Univision After Four Decades of Groundbreaking Journalism


Jorge Ramos, among the most identifiable voices in Spanish-language journalism, is leaving Univision after nearly four decades as the chief anchor for the network. Ramos, who turned 66, has been a staple feature since 1986 on *Noticiero Univision* and gained his reputation for fearless interviews with chiefs of state that range from Fidel Castro to Donald Trump.

Univision and Ramos announced at the same time that they would not renew his contract, and he will stay with the network through the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election. It seals an era deal for Univision, where Ramos was instrumental in allowing the voice of the Hispanic community to get louder across the U.S. and everywhere in the world.

He has garnered various honors throughout his career, including Emmy Awards, for his commitment to quality journalism on immigration and other social justice issues. Ramos’ exit comes as Univision shakes up its staffing roster while restructuring under new ownership.

In a statement, Univision made a point to express its gratitude for the decades Ramos has given to the company and his importance in making Univision what it is. “Ramos has set the bar on what it is to be a journalist,” the Univision spokesperson said, and they are thankful for his long-term commitment to keeping the Hispanic community informed. For his part, Ramos hasn’t as of yet made any public declarations about his post-retirement plans, but his influence on journalism is sure to go on one way or another.