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America has seen a report of eighteen Legion departments to date that have successfully met 80% membership before January 15, 2025



Evidence of growth is seen within an organization dedicated to service in a community.

The American Legion stated that 18 of its departments met or exceeded the 80% membership benchmark established for January 15, 2025. This is an example of the organization’s commitment to growth and service to the community.

The states to have surpassed this threshold are France, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Hawaii, Michigan, New Hampshire, Arizona, Minnesota, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Texas, Vermont, Nevada, and Virginia. Their count has thus been instrumental in enabling the organization to achieve its national membership milestone.

Future American Legion has been revealed as follows: the percentages by date of membership:

Feb. 12: 85%

Mar. 12: 90%

Apr. 9: 95%

May 14: 100%

Department commanders whose departments achieve or exceed the 100% membership goal by the May target date will be recognized with a framed certificate, presented by the national commander at the national convention. Please note this award does not include a convention trip.

This is going to make the American Legion’s membership target a continuous and challenging process, which will bring growth and strengthen its ability to help the veterans and the community across the nation. As departments continue towards these goals, both the influence and support network of the organization are ready to spread further.

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