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City Readies Thorough Preparations Ahead of Major Winter Storm



In preparation for a major snow and ice storm, the city has launched a detailed preparedness plan with an emphasis on public safety, essential services, and community support.

With the city bracing itself for a major winter storm, city officials activated a complete preparedness plan aimed at safeguarding the public and ensuring vital services. Winter storm warnings were issued by the National Weather Service to the area as it predicts significant snowfall with possible icing during the next 48 hours.

Public Safety Measures

The city’s Department of Public Works has snowplow and salt spreader fleets ready for snow removal, ensuring access to roads. Residents are advised to heed announcements about snow emergencies that sometimes impact parking space to facilitate snow clearance with minimal disruptions. Cars left in snow emergency routes during emergencies will be fined and charged for towing.

Warm Shelter for Vulnerable Groups

In coordination with shelters, the city ensures warm accommodations for the most vulnerable among its population on event day.

The residents of the city are also encouraged to check on seniors and other residents who have specific needs, while watching out for their well-being as the storm starts.

Public Transportation and Travel Advisory

Public transportation services will be on a reduced schedule for safety. Travelers should expect delays and make alternative arrangements. Travel should be minimized to an absolute minimum during peak storm hours to ensure that emergency and snow removal crews can get their work done.

Emergency Preparedness Recommendations

The residents should prepare emergency kits with all the necessary things, including non-perishable food, water, flashlights, extra batteries, and essential drugs. In case there is a probable power outage, having a charged mobile phone and a power backup can be essential.

Infrastructure and Utility Precautions

It advises residents to make sure exposed pipes are insulated; know where they can find-and how to use-shut-offs in case their pipes freeze and burst. Keeping snow and ice off natural gas meters also belongs to the people. The gentle sweeping or brushing away of snow and ice away from the natural gas meter requires care so it does not dig into the glass with sharp edges.


This period encourages cooperation among city residents while strictly adhering to safety advisories. Informing people through proper channels and taking proactive measures reduces the overall impact of the storm on individuals and society at large.

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