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Conflicts from the Mar-a-Lago patio: How Trump’s hiring practices have already descended into violence



Violence surfacing at Mar-a-Lago raises the disturbing level of scrutiny over former President Donald Trump’s choices in staff. Since reengineering operations out of the Palm

Beach luxury club, Trump has leaned heavily on an inner circle of loyalists, sources close to the former president say, many of whom are woefully unqualified for their assignments. This close-knit but frequently underqualified team has led to mounting tensions and occasions of violence and security challenges, much to the dismay of headlines everywhere.

According to reports over the past few weeks from sources inside, at least two incidents of physical confrontation have taken place at Mar-a-Lago, and both had their genesis in personal fights between the hires of President Trump.

One insider wished not to be named but claimed heated arguments over responsibilities and instructions had created a toxic environment in the club. The most recent incident allegedly included a fight between two employees physically fighting each other on the patio of Mar-a-Lago that alarmed guests and security alike.

Critics argue that the selective hiring criteria, such as loyalty over professional experience, have fostered a dysfunctional, even dangerous environment. Many of those hired were chosen for their loyalty, most particularly family members of old friends, campaign aides, or other people with similar qualifications. The inexperience and disorganization of the staff have apparently caused confusion, power struggles, and, indeed more and more, confrontation.

Legal analysts have questioned Trump’s hiring practices while pointing out liabilities that may arise from the hiring procedures. Employment law expert Caroline Windsor said, “The incidents at Mar-a-Lago point to a far larger problem regarding work culture and safety. If the violence goes unchecked, so will the potential legal and personal danger to Trump. Assuming people get hurt, either among his guests or staff, the liabilities can be huge.”.

While representatives close to Trump have not commented on the fights, insiders close to the former president revealed he has indeed been informed of the growing troubles in his team. Still, the former president does not change his course of action as he insists loyalty and trust define his inner circle, gearing up for future political maneuvers.

As the Mar-a-Lago team continues to find its footing through internal wrangling, attention to Trump’s unorthodox staffing will continue. The concerns from both his political allies and club members are growing: Will Trump change course, or will the clashes intensify?

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