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Credit Suisse Lawsuit Resolved By UBS, Swiss Finance Blog

Credit Suisse Lawsuit Resolved By UBS, Swiss Finance Blog

Credit Suisse Lawsuit Resolved By UBS, Swiss Finance Blog

According to the news source, Inside Paradeplatz and UBS (UBSG.S) have resolved a legal dispute that Credit Suisse had first filed against the well-known finance blog with headquarters in Zurich. 

Inside Paradeplatz consented to remove or edit three posts worth of user comments as a part of their settlement. The rest of the claims were withdrawn. A representative of UBS stated that the dispute had been resolved.

In December, Credit Suisse filed a lawsuit against the blog for the user comments made under the posts.

It was last month when UBS was compelled to pay $388 million to the British and American regulators owing to Credit Suisse’s interactions with private investment firm Archegos Capital Management.

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