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Disney Faces Lawsuit Over Disability Access Policy Changes



A class-action lawsuit has been brought against Disney Parks and Resorts, alleging that the company discriminated against disabled visitors by issuing new policies on its Disability Access Service (DAS).

The suit, brought by San Diego plaintiff Trisha Malone, contends that Disney’s new DAS policies discriminatorily exclude those with physical disabilities from being able to access the accommodations to which they were once entitled. Malone states she was refused DAS after documentation proved that her disability makes it unsafe for her to wait in long lines.

DAS, created to help guests with difficulties with standard wait lines, was changed last year to make it clear that eligibility is for guests with developmental disabilities such as autism. Last year, the program was available to any guest who had trouble enduring long waits because of a disability. The suit claims that by making the change, many physically disabled guests are not receiving adequate accommodations.

Also, Malone alleges that guests were compelled to reveal confidential medical details in open areas to support their requirement of DAS, possibly breaching privacy legislation.

In return, Disney explained its accessibility initiatives, saying that the company offers a variety of accommodations and collaborated with experts to have equitable policies. Nevertheless, advocacy organizations and more than 33,000 signers urge Disney to reinstate the initial DAS policies to provide equal access for all disabled visitors.

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