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Election day in Georgia saw a record number of early votes cast in this competitive state



Georgia stands out as one of the most competitive swing states in this election year, and it is witnessing a record upsurge in early voting as election season draws closer. State officials report that over 750,000 ballots have been cast so far-that’s a record for early voting compared to any previous midterm elections. It is the upsurge that best underlines the state’s pivotal role in the forthcoming polls and the increased political engagement of its voters.

The Secretary of State’s office put out new data that shows early voter turnout is up nearly 30% through the same period as during the last midterm cycle. Voter participation has skyrocketed by an enormous amount amid competition for each of the U.S. Senate seats, as well as hotly contested gubernatorial and other key offices at the state level. Each of the main party candidates is personally mobilizing their bases, turning the healthcare debate – to mention just one of many in recent weeks – into an issue for energizing voters.

In November 2020, for the first time in many decades, the American state of Georgia turned blue during the presidential election, which further solidified its battleground status. Both parties since have invested considerable funds in outreach and grassroots campaigns. Given the strength of the state in swinging the national political landscape, some analysts feel that this early voting development may give candidates a headstart over others in garnering votes ahead of election day.

Long queues were seen at many early voting locations as voters waited for more than an hour to cast their ballots. According to state officials, with increased turnout, there are even more voting locations and resources to allow voters to wait fewer hours.

Observers also observe that early voting data indicates diverse turnout and the number of young voters and minorities. The changes in demographics are critical in deciding the tide of races in such a place where every vote counts.

It is also important to remind the public that early voting opportunities are in place and that waiting until Election Day imposes unnecessary pressure on election officials. Polls open for early voting until the end of next week, giving Georgians ample time to be heard.

With record numbers coming in, early voting patterns for Georgia into an election are already shaping up to be high-stakes and intensely competitive. Both parties gear up for their final push as voters in the state continue to turn out en masse, ensuring that each vote counts in what promises to be a keenly watched election.

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