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Final funding for the reopening of the rail line from Portishead to Bristol has been secured



Construction will start mid-2025 and services will open by 2027, reconnecting 50,000 residents to sustainable transport options.

The long-awaited reopening of the Portishead to Bristol rail line has reached a major milestone with final funding agreements now in place. The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority has committed an additional £27 million to the project, while North Somerset Council is contributing £3 million, effectively closing the funding gap caused by delays, inflation, and rising construction costs.

The Full Business Case for the rail line was submitted to the Department for Transport in December 2024. With new funding commitments, the Department will look to approve the business case expeditiously and construction can get underway shortly after. The scheme will build new stations at Portishead and Pill and is designed to link around 50,000 residents to the rail network, providing a sustainable transport option across the southwest.

Councilor Mike Bell, who is the Leader of North Somerset Council and an Executive Member for Major Projects, said, “The reopening of the Portishead to Bristol rail line is set to be a transformative project for our area, connecting 50,000 people back into the rail network so that they can use a regular and sustainable transport service to reach a wealth of opportunities across the southwest.”

The extra funding, expected to come from West of England Mayoral Combined Authority, will be approved at their March Committee meeting; North Somerset Council will see their share approved at their Council meeting in February. Assuming everything goes smoothly, construction could start mid-2025, and services may start by 2027.

It’s an important development towards improving regional connectivity and enabling citizens to get a better way of transport in a more sustainable way.

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