Julia Fox Reflects on Her Relationship with Ye: “I Was Being Used as a Pawn”


Uncut Gems actress Julia Fox has been refreshingly open about her highly publicized, very short-lived relationship with the rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. Numerous times, in interviews and her memoir Down the Drain this year, Fox proclaims regret over the affair and realizes now that she was being used by Ye in the beginning of their romance early this year.

Timeline of Relationship and Publicity

Fox met Ye on New Year’s Eve 2021 in Miami, shortly after Ye’s split from reality star Kim Kardashian. Although the two took an instant liking to each other, their romance was highly publicized, often covered by media outlets, even more so after the two were spotted attending high-profile events such as Paris Fashion Week. It would emerge later that most of this publicity was not her doing. In an interview, where she was at her candid best, she claimed that she wanted to keep the relationship private, whereas Ye pushed it into the public domain without her consent. Fox has since described herself as being “used as a pawn” by Ye, implying he used their relationship to jealous up his ex-wife, Kardashian. She said she was bothered by how fast the relationship moved into the public eye and the vehemence with which it was thrust into the limelight, adding that it was one of the most uncomfortable times in her life.

Manipulation and Dynamics of Power

Fox’s musings have helped shed light on the control Ye tried to exercise over her in the short time they were together.

She revealed Ye even asked her to post a phony version of how the two met. She said she refused to do so. He reportedly also asked her to sign a non-disclosure agreement, to which she famously said, “I’ll live,” in refusal to the demand. These moments underline the power difference and manipulation Fox felt during their time together. Beyond that public display, Fox has said her relationship with Ye never became intimate, something many were surprised by given the pair’s high-profile outings. As Fox has described their connection, it’s much more strategic than romantic, as in: one night out, she said, rather than the usual date, the two just played a game of Uno in the hotel room.

Regret and Focus on the Ground

Fox certainly has not held her tongue in the expression of her distaste for the whole affair, mostly highlighting how short it all was and how serious it had been on her.

“I hate it! It was only a few weeks, but it felt like a lifetime,” she shared, adding, “I don’t want to be anyone’s girlfriend.” Her son Valentino, too, helps give her strength to dissolve the relationship. She speaks many times to how her child has been her “grounding force” and has saved her from falling deep into further negativity. Fox also has more superficial regrets about the damage the relationship caused to her public image. Whereas she once was known for her singular fashion and an acting career, her brief romance with Ye managed to turn the public’s attention to her—in a far more conventional way—for her relationships with him rather than her work.

Fallout and Legal Troubles for Ye

While Fox has made musings about the personal cost of the relationship for her, Ye hasn’t exactly been scandal-free since the two broke up. His former assistant accused him of drugging and raping her, further muddling Ye’s already muddled public image. These allegations come amid a spate of lawsuits that also paint the rapper in not such a great light.

Public Reaction and Media Coverage

Fox’s revelations have created quite a furor in media outlets, ranging from The Times to Yahoo, Face2Face Africa, and InStyle, among others. Since then, Fox’s account has been talked and wrangled about. Media coverage has mostly revolved around the dynamics of their relationship—that is, her and Ye’s—and even the decision of her to air her feelings out, amidst the implications that this would subsequently have for discussions surrounding celebrity manipulation and toxic relationships.

Ultimately, Julia Fox’s remarks about her short-lived romance with Ye underscore how celebrity love can get complicated because public and private lives conflict with each other in many ways, and personal experiences may be leveraged for strategic purposes. Fox is candid about the regret that has followed her and leans on her child for strength—a powerful statement about agency in the midst of overwhelming fame and pressure.