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NYC Retirement Systems Shareholder Initiatives Report 2024. Major wins and set failures



Failed Wins in New York City Retirement Systems Shareholder Initiatives Report 2024: Worker rights for Starbucks and Wells Fargo amist ESG propositions.

The New York City Retirement Systems has published its 2024 Shareholder Initiatives Postseason Report in a year marked by sharp political tension and a growing strong conservative backlash against ESG investing. In this environment, the NYC pension funds can be seen to celebrate more than ever their leadership on responsible investment as the playing field for shareholder proposals grows progressively more difficult.

Under Comptroller Brad Lander, the five pension funds which oversee citywide billions continue their own tradition of engaged corporate stewardship. As a tumultuous year wore on that saw the very foundations of shareholder support decline precipitously, the city’s funds found some great victories here in worker rights and there in corporate accountability.

Countering the ESG backlash

One of the most visible effects to be seen from the result of this year’s report is a well-funded, loud, and vocal opposition to ESG investing. Emboldened by rhetoric spewed out by political figures, conservative interest groups have been working hard to defeat ESG-driven shareholder proposals. Politics has directly influenced the result of most proposals and decreased general support for such initiatives.

For instance, suggestions on climate change made it hard for the New York City pension funds that average only about 13%. This comes in contrast to past years when similar moves had elicited much higher supporting levels. This is particularly because the aggressive move had been made by conservative groups. This mainly resulted from responses from corporate elements that would mitigate climate-related risks.

The New York City-based funds took this minor blow calmly and went ahead with long-term financial and social worth initiatives.

Corporate Governance and Worker Rights Success Stories

The shareholder season 2024 has a lot to say on the bright side about the success of a proposal focusing on Starbucks. The NYC pension funds asked that the company’s board of directors allow an independent audit into whether the corporation respects worker rights, in particular collective bargaining and freedom of association. This was sent to a shareholder vote, where it passed with 52% approval, and thus credible investor concern over Starbucks labour practices does exist. The company has agreed to publish this report by the end of the year.

Another Wells Fargo proposal asking the company to annually report on its workplace harassment and discrimination efforts garnered a 55% vote. That is, corporate capitalism is doing great in making strides towards accountability in workplace practice, especially at a time when workplace inclusion and diversity have become key arenas for public and investor attention.

The Future of ESG Proposals: A Change in Landscapes

Though 2024 saw many losses, particularly on climate-related shareholder proposals, the NYC Retirement Systems is still holding firm to responsible investment and not retreating in their advocacy. Comptroller Lander reminded that “transparency in corporate activities is long overdue, particularly on social and environmental issues.” He also pointed out that “we cannot afford to ignore the systemic risks posed by climate change and corporate governance failures.”.

As the political landscape changes, so too will the approach of NYC pension funds to their shareholder engagement. The report shows that the NYC funds will attempt new avenues of corporate engagement in 2024 through more direct shareholder action aimed at keeping companies on track for net-zero goals and good labor practices.

Conclusion: A Year of Resilience and Strategy

The 2024 Shareholder Initiatives Postseason Report of New York City Retirement Systems chronicles both the obstacles and the successes of the year. Though a more challenging general environment for shareholder proposals prevails, New York City pension funds remain on the forefront of responsible investing. Through corporate accountability for their impacts on the environment and society as well, the NYC funds work to create an equitable and sustainable business landscape that benefits retirees and the broader economy.

The pension funds of the city chart its future with continued commitment to corporate governance reforms, transparency, inclusivity, and long-term financial stability.

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