
At the meal with Al Smith, Trump attacks Harris while she goes across Wisconsin making fun of his claims to be the “father of IVF”

Former President Donald Trump hurled back at Vice President Kamala Harris at Thursday night’s annual Al Smith Dinner in New York. His sharp barbs underscore the simmering tensions between the two as November’s 2024 election approaches. Leading the Republican presidential primary, Trump used this forum to decimate Harris on her record and brush aside her…

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Neuroscientists Discover Mechanism to Reactivate Dormant Neural Stem Cells: A Breakthrough for Brain Health

In a breakthrough discovery, neuroscientists from Duke-NUS Medical School and the National University of Singapore have found a way to reactivate latent neural stem cells. This could potentially facilitate brain repair and regeneration for new treatments in neurodevelopment and degenerative disorders such as cerebral palsy, autism, and Alzheimer’s disease. Dormant Neural Stem Cells: Sleeping Giants…

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Astronomers Detect Ancient Lonely Quasars with Murky Origins: A Breakthrough in Cosmic Understanding

The year 2024 came up with a surprise for the astronomical world in the form of one amazing discovery: the identification of ancient quasars that are isolated and mysteriously born. Using advanced instruments like the James Webb Space Telescope, researchers presented new insights into what the “lonely” quasars are all about, which existed over 13…

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