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Romney thinks MAGA is now the Republican Party, but he defends Trump’s critique



Washington, D.C. – Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), a long-time critic of former President Donald Trump, on Sunday admitted that the MAGA movement now represents the essential core of the GOP. In a rare moment of agreement, Romney came to Trump’s defense regarding his recent tirade about the GOP failures.

“MAGA is no longer a wing- it’s the Republican Party,” he said in a Sunday interview. The senator noted Trump’s continuing influence. “His populist agenda and anti-establishment rhetoric have indeed reshaped the priorities of the party.”

Romney’s comments came after Trump’s pointed criticism of the GOP regarding recent elections in which the party was unable to win over suburban voters, women, and independents, blaming party leadership and disunity. This is something Romney could agree with in part.

“The former president’s criticism has some merit,” said Romney. “The Republicans need to do more than energize their base. We must present a compelling and unifying vision for all Americans. So far that hasn’t been achieved.”

Romney cited the midterm election as proof of MAGA being in the ascendancy and looked to the success of such candidates endorsed by President Donald Trump, which influenced his party’s trajectory, even if he did bemoan the long-term solvency of his party if it persists entirely in grievance-based politics.

Despite agreeing with Trump’s assessment of the party’s struggles, Romney reiterated his opposition to Trump’s leadership, calling his rhetoric divisive. “While I respect his ability to connect with voters, we need leaders who can unite the country,” Romney stated.

Romney, who announced he will not seek re-election in 2024, urged the Republican Party to reflect on its identity and future. “This is a critical moment for the GOP,” he said. “We need to decide whether we’ll be a party of solutions or a party stuck in perpetual conflict.”

Trump responded to Romney’s comments on Truth Social, labeling him a “weak and irrelevant politician,” but welcoming his acknowledgment of MAGA’s dominance.

As the GOP struggles with its identity, Romney’s words reflect the tensions between Trump’s populist influence and the necessity of broadening the party’s appeal. His critique underlines the challenges that lie ahead, but he leaves the question of party direction to a new generation of leaders.

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