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The Hidden Cost of Travel: Why Medical Emergencies on Cruises Are Surging



When illness or injury strikes, a trip that was once a dream can suddenly become a nightmare.

Medical emergency travel insurance claims accounted for 27% of all claims in 2024, surpassing even trip cancellations, marking the highest levels in almost a decade.

The most serious offender? cruises.

According to Jenna Hummer, a spokesman for the travel insurance marketplace Squaremouth, “People are getting sick and injured on trips more often, and cruise ship medical care is notoriously expensive.

” Claims have increased as a result of norovirus outbreaks and onboard injuries; some medical costs have reached startling sums.

The Rising Cost of Medical Care Abroad

Reasons for Increasing Traveler Insurance Purchases

The need for travel protection is increasing as more people take their dream holidays and travel expenses rise.

Travelers have also become more wary as a result of natural disasters like the wildfires in California and Maui.

“These things are happening more frequently, and people want to protect their trips,” Hummer stated.

Experts advise full travel insurance for peace of mind, particularly for cruise travelers, as a basic medical checkup at sea may end up costing much more than you anticipated.

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