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The Problem with Sexy Halloween Costumes for Kids and How Parents Can Help



Experts have further cautioned regarding the dangers of sexualization as Halloween costumes started turning revealing.

The story could be edited, and self-esteem among children fostered by inciting frank talks coupled with more powerful costume ideas.

While Halloween is that time of the year when children have to let their imagination run loose, parents and experts are alarmed at the increasing trend that young girls wear costumes too revealing.

Popularity seems to be going hand in hand with provocative attires masquerading as costumes from popular movies such as the “Queen of Hearts” from Descendants.

The Rise of Red and “Red” from the same. Experts say this reflects a larger pattern whereby young girls feel the need to appear “sexy” even when they are dressed up for Halloween.

According to authors Sharon Lamb and Lyn Mikel Brown of the book Packaging Girlhood, girls are often steered to costumes that emphasize appearance over personality, while boys dress up as heroes such as soldiers or explorers,” says Elizabeth Baron, psychologist, New York City.

“Provocative clothing can cause girls to be objectified, with their bodies over their abilities or personalities.”. She continues to say that this kind of objectification can leave females open to abuse or even threats online.

Experts note that parents should discuss with the kids the possible dangers of provoking clothes.

This entails teaching them that their values are beyond how they might look since social media tends to follow the “hot” trends to get likes and people’s attention.

It allows children to encourage customization that develops imagination and also builds self-esteem than that which would shun playful dress-up time.

To instill more characters within a child that the children will look to achieve this, they will do what the role expects- assume such characters like becoming super, scientist, judge because to them, these future entities shall have no fit inside human perceptions.

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