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Why More American Women Are Choosing Europe for a Better Life



High anxiety about political, economic, and safety issues in the United States promotes great aspirations for fresh starts for many American women elsewhere-than in Europe, closer beliefs to their values and ideals.

Political uncertainty, insecurity, and ever-increasing cost of living have made life in the United States a stressful experience for many American women. Dee Segler gets a chance in her dream one day before the presidential election of 2024.

When she reached her fiftieth birthday, she adopted her long-term dream of a better quality of life across the world and boarded a flight to the Netherlands.

Segler had always dreamed of adventure that had started decades ago when she went to Europe for school, promising herself someday to live overseas.

With the kids growing up and becoming unhappy with the corporate job, this objective became more possible. Europe, for one, is considered to be the best destination because of universal healthcare, the lower cost of living, and general safety.

Women such as Segler have found outlets for this transition through groups like “She Hit Refresh.” The group, founded by Cepee Tabibian, who also left for Spain seeking a refreshing start, aims to provide women above 30 years old with an outlet and resources when going abroad.

What began as a personal journey has blossomed into a vibrant group of women seeking the same thing: a place where they can be at ease.

Due to the less speedy pace in Europe and promising healthcare systems, the continent has been considered a destination for many American women seeking a drastic change from the increasing political and societal pressures in the United States.

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