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Woman Posing as Health Inspector Visits Honolulu’s Whole Foods Market



A woman posing as a Department of Health inspector questioned Whole Foods Market Kahala Mall employees and issued warnings to Oahu businesses.

Recently, a Whole Foods Market in Honolulu’s Kahala Mall made an attempt to enter the store by going undercover as a Hawaii Department of Health health inspector. A woman with brown hair contacted a staff member at around 6:30 p.m. on November 7, 2024, to ask what products were available at the store. When someone requested to see her credentials and formal identification, she departed.

The DOH also sent a reminder to the various food establishments to remain vigilant and strictly adhere to the verification procedures if they encounter inspectors. Legitimate DOH inspectors carry with them a badge indicating their name, rank, and picture. In addition, they are able to present an inspection form issued by the DOH upon their arrival. It is requested that these credentials be requested of the businesses as a verification of the legitimacy of the inspector.

This event is an important lesson for the businesses—be more careful and verify the identity of the individual who presents himself as a government official. The DOH asserts that true inspectors carry identification and documents for legitimacy. All suspicious cases or reported encounter of unverified individuals must be relayed directly to the agencies for prompt intervention and prevention of potential fraudulent activities.

The DOH continues to work closely with local businesses in maintaining public health standards to assure the safety and well-being of consumers. They advise all establishments to be informed regarding official procedures and report any irregularities that may crop up.

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