In support of Harris, over 400 economists and former White House officials warn against Trump’s policy program


A group of more than 400 economists and former White House officials have written an open letter sounding the alarm over the economic impact that ex-president Donald Trump’s initiatives would bring. Nobel laureates, leading academics, and the list goes as far as former members from both Democratic and Republican administrations sound a big warning that Mr. Trump’s policy will severely hurt the U.S. economy.

The signatories claim that Trump’s threatened tax cuts for the rich, protectionist trade policies, and reversal of climate initiatives would accelerate inequality, skyrocket the national debt, and create a crisis in global markets. For their part, they underlined that, during his time in office, Trump’s economic policies have stressed long-term structural weaknesses and a recurrence of those policies would be “dangerous and shortsighted”.

The letter said Trump’s economic plan read like “a recipe for higher inflation, greater inequality, and unsustainable deficits.” “His administration’s fiscal recklessness and disregard for global economic cooperation set the stage for ongoing economic turmoil.”

Economists and officials said great support was shown for Senator Kamala Harris, pointing to her policy approach as one that will guarantee economic stability and growth, economists and officials said. Harris’ economic vision, according to them, takes into account the enlarging of the middle class, addressing climate change, and creating innovations in the right policy framework to address inequalities. According to them, it is her proposed investment in infrastructure, education, and clean energy that will be critical in building a sustainable economy for the future.

Harris presents a responsible and forward-thinking perspective on economic policy that will benefit working families while promoting stability and long-term growth, said one of the letter’s authors, a former Obama administration economic adviser. “Her policies reflect the kind of leadership this country needs right now-fiscally sound, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable.”.

It comes at a pivotal moment in the 2024 election-a moment at which voters care very much about the economy a letter from such an incredibly diverse group of economic experts would suggest to voters that there’s a foundation of substance to Harris’s candidacy, one that complements a strong get-out-the-vote operation.

The Trump campaign dismissed the criticism as “fear-mongering by the establishment elite”, while Harris’ campaign welcomed the support as an affirmation of her economic agenda. gram